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(5785) Membership & High Holidays Seat Information (2024-2025)
This page offers complete information on High Holy Day celebrations at Beit Sasson. Scroll down for a schedule of services as well as information on reserving seats and renewing annual membership with Beit Sasson.
We have kept our dues low to encourage 100% participation. We would appreciate any help with operation expenses, Rabbi Fund, monthly obligations [Security, Maintenance, Children’s Programs, etc…], and the Synagogue Building Fund. Thank you.
Family Membership $1260.00
Single Membership $630.00
Friend of the Minyan $380.00
High Holiday Seat Reservations for Members are:
Men's section $126
Women's section $126
Children (ages 5-21) $50
Students $50
***Due to Capacity, seats are only open to Members only at this time.***
***To pay by check or through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), return the form you received by mail, or email a completed form to***
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